
FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen

Campus-Boulevard 55
52074 Aachen
Phone: +49 241 47705-500
Fax: +49 241 47705-199

Managing Director: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Boos, MBA
Scientific Director: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. Günther Schuh
Chairman of the Presidium: Dipl.-Ing. Ingo Kufferath-Kaßner
VAT ID: DE 121 684 389
Registry court: Amtsgericht Aachen, register number VR1191


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FIR accepts no liability for the content of any linked external websites. Registered trademarks, proprietary names, and copyrighted images and texts are not expressly indicated as protected by copyright on the FIR website. However, the absence of such indications in no way implies that these names, images or text belong, in terms of trademark or copyright law, to the public domain and can be freely used.

Source References:

Figurative mark: © Fotolia-peshkov / Starting Page: © Jan Grüger