Wir bedanken uns bei unseren Referierenden, den Partnern und allen Teilnehmer*innen!
Programm & Partner:
VoBaKI – Procedure for the evaluation and selection of AI competences in SMEs
How can SMEs be empowered to independently identify the necessary processes and competencies in the life cycle of an AI use case and develop appropriate sourcing strategies?
- ‚VoBAKI‘-Vorgehensmodell – Download now free of charge [German PDF]
- ‚VoBAKI‘-Vorgehensmodell: Erklärvideo [To German YouTube Video]
- ‚VoBAKI‘-KI-Aufgaben-Kompetenzen-Tool – Download now free of charge [German XLSX]
To Read: Whitepaper and More
- Whitepaper “Seizing the Potentials of Ecosystems”
- Whitepaper “Industrial Sustainability. Das integrierte Management für eine nachhaltige Organisation” [German]
- Whitepaper “Realizing Open IIoT Architectures to Scale Industrie 4.0”
- Whitepaper “Industrie 4.0 at scale – Insights from the process industry”
- Whitepaper “How to Transform Manufacturing Companies”
- FIR-Edition “Aachen Digital Architecture Management (ADAM). Your Guide to the Digitally Connected Enterprise” [English]
- FIR-Edition “Aachen Digital Architecture Management (ADAM). Your Guide to the Digitally Connected Enterprise” [German]
- Position Paper “Aachener Digital-Architecture-Management (ADAM) – Wegweiser zum digital vernetzten Unternehmen” [German]
- >> Further Whitepapers of Industrie 4.0 Maturity Center: i40mc.de
>> Further Whitepapers and Position Papers of FIR an der RWTH Aachen: fir-whitepaper.de
For Further Training: Our Qualification Offer
- Certificate Course “Digital Transformation Expert” [English]
- Certificate Course “Digital Transformation Expert” [German]
- Certificate Course “Business Transformation Manager” [German]
- >> Further Qualification Courses: aachener-zertifikatskurse.de
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Vorträge einzeln herunterladen (sortiert nach Nachnamen):
Zugangsdaten s. E-Mail an die Teilnehmer*innen nach Veranstaltung | Firefox-Nutzung empfohlen
- AI & HR – How Artificial Intelligence and HR Support Each Other [PDF]
Dr. Roscoe Araujo, Covestro AG - Bringing ChatGPT to Your Workforce – an Inside Perspective [PDF]
Roland Cernat, Miba AG - From Bottom-up Exploration to Top-down Efficient Strategy
Use Cases in AI at Continental [PDF]
Dubravko Dolic, Continental Reifen GmbH - Keynote Speech ‘The AI-Driven Enterprise: Redefining Value Creation’ [PDF]
Christian Hocken, Industrie 4.0 Maturity Center | Gerrit Hoeborn, FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen | Max-Ferdinand Stroh, FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen - AI – Game Changer in the Upgrade Circular Economy [PDF]
Gerrit Hoeborn, FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen - Uncovering the Impact of AI in Manufacturing [PDF]
Sebastian Kress, Tulip Interfaces - Spreading the Word – AI Literacy & Adoption at Siemens [PDF]
Robert Lohmeyer, Siemens AG - Closing the Gap Between Manufacturing and AI [PDF]
Deniz Saner, ENLYZE GmbH - AI @ Shopfloor – Requirements, Challenges and Solutions [PDF]
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Schlagenhauf, Bosch - How to Anchor AI in Your Organization [PDF]
Felix Schlenther, AI FIRST
Rückblick auf die letzten Veranstaltungen
20.11.2024 | Building the AI-driven Enterprise |
15.11.2023 | Getting connected for the Circular Economy |
16.11.2022 | Sustainable Digitalization for the Era of Uncertainty |
17.11.2021 | Getting Ready for the Data-driven Economy |
12. – 13.11.2020 | Digital Architecture Management – Mit System zum Erfolg |
13. – 14.11.2019 | Digital Value: Erkennen | Gestalten | Umsetzen |
13. – 14.11.2018 | Chancen digitaler Plattformen ergreifen! |